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This is where you can find all of Greengauge 21’s reports

Fare Britannia

  • Research

Across Europe, nations are adopting a Climate Card, offering public transport travel on a monthly subscription basis. We were asked by Greenpeace UK to discover whether a similar approach could work here.

Our report Fare Britannia seeks to learn lessons … Read more › “Fare Britannia”

Submission to Transport Select Committee – implications of the Integrated Rail Plan for the economy, capacity and connectivity

  • Research

Greengauge 21 welcomes the opportunity to provide evidence on the Integrated Rail Plan (IRP) as published in November 2021. Many of the Committee’s lines of enquiry are difficult to address with certainty because IRP outcomes remain the subject of further … Read more › “Submission to Transport Select Committee – implications of the Integrated Rail Plan for the economy, capacity and connectivity”