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HS2 Regional Economic Impacts

This report has been prepared by KPMG LLP on behalf of HS2 Ltd, and examines how investment in HS2 could affect connectivity and, ultimately, economic output. Drawing on empirical analysis of current travel patterns and observed relationships between connectivity and economic growth, the report concludes that HS2 could deliver an annual £15billion boost to the economy. The work differs from conventional approaches to the appraisal of transport schemes, as it focuses on the potential impact of investment in HS2 on the structure of regional economies in the longer term. The projections set out in the analysis have been prepared for illustrative purposes only and do not constitute a forecast. The report aims to understand how changes to travel times and costs influence regional economic performance, both in terms of overall economic productivity and the location of economic activity. The analysis considers the net impacts on economic output for city regions and the economy as a whole. Read the full report here: HS2 Regional Economic Impact report from KPMG